
Dentistry is classified in medicine as a separate field of study since dental care and teeth themselves have many specifics. In general, dentistry specializes in prevention, diagnostics and treatment of dental defects and diseases as well as the parts of dental cavity and face which are related to teeth (gum, periodontium, upper and lower jaws). Since numerous specific procedures are performed, dentistry is divided into several subspecializations.
Pediatric dentistry (pedodontics)
Pediatric dentistry is specialized dental care for children. Pediatric pacients are different from adult patients. They have special structures of deciduous teeth known as milk teeth and permanent teeth, which are in their developmental phase, and the dentist must be very careful when providing dental treatment as their stage of development must be taken into consideration.
Prevention and care of children’s teeth ideally starts when the woman gets pregnant. From that moment on the future mother should consistently take care of her oral cavity hygiene including a thorough dental care. To get your baby accustomed to manipulation in their mouth, it is advised to start wiping up their oral cavity with a damp cloth soon after their birth. This way the parents will be prepared to teach their child about the necessity to take care of their teeth and strat cleaning them after the first tooth emerges. At the time of primary dentition, the child starts learning the prevention in dental hygiene with the help of their parents.
When is it best to take your child to the dentist for the first time? Most specialists believe that a small child can visit the dental practice along with a parent during the parent’s preventive check up to get accustomed to the dentist’s office in order to prevent his or her possible future stress. During these visists, the dentist can decide when it is best to spontaneously look into the child’s oral cavity for the first time. Child’s smooth and gradual transition from an observer to a patient is therefore considered most appropriate.
Therapeutic dentistry
It can also be classified as „corrective” dentistry. Dentists perform various types of tooth damage removals which usually originate in toth decay. Most frequently they perform the application of tooth filling (cariology), root canal filling procedure (endodontics) and prevention in oral cavity hygiene.
Orthodontics as a specialization in dentistry corrects the position of teeth, their alignment. Nowadays both forms of appliances correcting tooth imperfections, fixed as well as removable ones, are commonly used. In therapy, a highly individual dentists’s approach is applied and a responsible cooperation and discipline are required from the patient. During the therapy the care and hygiene of the oral cavity is extremely important.
Dental surgery
Is the surgical part of dentistry. Besides other procedures, it deals with complicated tooth extractions (e. g. wisdom teeth extractions), abscess treatment, cyst removals, as well as various tissue modifications in the oral cavity. Procedures conducted within dental surgery are always performed in local or general anesthesia.
This area of dentistry manages the diseases of periodontium. Consulting a periodontal specialist is crucial when a person notices significant bleeding while brushing his or her teeth, extremely sensitive gums, gingival recession toward tooth roots, bad breath or loose teeth and/or when the treatment has not lead to the stabilization of the condition or its healing. To decide when the periodontal disease can still be managed by the dentist or whether to address a periodontist, is to be individually considered by each dentist. However, the patient can consult a specialist anytime if he or she wishes to do so.
Dental prosthetics
This area of dentistry specializes in the replacement of missing teeth. Dental prostheses – bridges and dentures are commonly used.
Implantology prosthetics
Implantology prosthetics is a subspecialization of dental prosthetics managing tooth reconstruction and dental implant therapy. As very specific therapeutic and reconstructive procedures are involved, they are to be performed exclusively by trained specialists who have substantial practice and are able to responsibly treat a patient and guarantee a long-term stable and esthetic outcome in complex tooth reconstructions.