
The final cost of an implant treatment is highly individual. That is the reason why the majority of implant costs or pricelists presented on various websites are misleading patients to a great extent. The presented costs are never the final costs including all items necessary for teeth reconstruction; usually only costs for itemized performances are presented.
The above mentioned fact is one of the reasons why we decided to enable every patient to receive a guaranteed and exact final cost calculation during the free consultation in our partner practices. Our costs calculated this way are real, based on fair calculation and last but not least really final. Thus, a patient can freely decide if he/she undergoes the proposed treatment immediately, later or does not start it. The basic assumption of a free decision if one undergoes an implant surgical intervention is to be correctly and comprehensibly informed about the details of the therapeutic procedure, the time horizon of the procedure as well as the final costs of the reconstruction.
Every patient is always suggested alternative possibilities of treatment in the practice of Dr. Jurkovič.
The final costs of a standard implant treatment, e. i. reconstruction/replacement of a single tooth with an implant is a total of several items: the cost of the actual implant, its surgical placement, application of the so called healing collar (which enables the healing of gum around the implant). If the patient and the dental implantologist agree prior to the surgical intervention that a temporary crown placed on temporary abutment is a part of the implant procedure, this performace will also be a part of the final costs. The costs for the impression made with an implant transfer, selection and adjustment of the final abutment (a construction feature to which the actual crown is attached, or a special construction in more extensive teeth reconstructions) are also added to the final costs. A customized crown to be attached to the abutement, or the special construction in more extensive teeth reconstruction, is produced in the laboratory. The final cost of a dental implant treatment is thus the summary of the above listed items.
In some cases, when the situation for standard implant treatment is not favourable (anatomic and/or other unfavourable conditions in the area of missing teeth), interventions and materials needed to create conditions for a successful placement of implants are also added to the final costs. These intervetions are inevitable since it is necessary to safely anchor the implant into healthy bone and create stabile, healthy and firm gum in the area of the implant. This is extremely important for a long-term, stabile, functional, and aesthetic result since after the procedure every patient must get into such a condition when he or she does not have any problems and is pleased with their oral health, functioning fixed teeth and aesthetic smile.